Stilbite: Breathe in the Peachy Glow for Loving Vibrations
Laura KonstShare
Pronunciation: Stil by-te
Chakras: Heart, Third Eye, Crown
Zodiac: Aries
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Affirmation: “I embrace the flow of love and divine guidance in my life”
Keywords: Love, Compassion, Calming, Soothing, Protection
Mineral Group: Zeolite
Mineral Category: Tectosilicate
Mohs Scale Hardness: 3.5 - 4
Colours: Peach, Orange, White
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Cleavage: Perfect in one direction
Fracture: Uneven, Splintery
Tenacity: Brittle
Refractive Index: 1.478 - 1.496
Specific Gravity: 2.12 - 2.2
Birefringence: 0.018 - 0.022
Pleochroism: None
Formula: NaCa4[Al9Si27O72] · 30H2O
Other Characteristics: Exhibits a pearly to vitreous lustre, often forms in fibrous or sheaf-like aggregates.
Safe to water cleanse? No
Stilbite, a member of the Zeolite family often found alongside Apophyllite, was first discovered in 1797 in India. Its name originates from the Greek word ‘Stilbein,’ meaning glitter or shine, aptly reflecting its mesmerising appearance. With delicate peachy-orange hues and intricate growth patterns, Stilbite captivates the observer, revealing new wonders with each gaze. Despite its softness, with a Mohs Scale Hardness of 3.5 - 4, Stilbite enchants with its soothing energy, making it a cherished crystal for spiritual and healing practices.
The Spiritual Vibes
The energy of Stilbite emanates loving vibrations, gently nurturing the user and facilitating healing with compassion, particularly for past traumas. It is favoured for enhancing dream recall, promoting restful sleep, and amplifying the effectiveness of Reiki practices. Healers rely on Stilbite to strengthen the connection between client and practitioner, providing protection against psychic attacks during sessions.
Stilbite's Favourite Pairing Crystals 
To harness the transformative properties of Stilbite, pair it with Green Aventurine for calming energies or with Larvikite for healing past traumas and shadow work. Whether seeking emotional healing, spiritual guidance, or protection, Stilbite offers a gentle embrace and a pathway to inner peace and serenity.
Shop all Stilbite
If you are not sure about which crystal is best suited to you, feel free to reach out to us and we can help you in making a conscious choice about the best-suited crystals.
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Love & Light, Laura
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