About Us

Tali & Loz is a small business run by me, CMA certified Crystal Healer, Laura Konst. It is a brand inspired by conscious and spiritual living. However I have a strong curiosity in the science behind all the minerals too!

Laura, founder of Tali and Loz

I am proud to support suppliers with a strong commitment to consciously and ethically sourced crystals, minerals and gems. We also obtain pre-loved high quality (old) collections! We cleanse each of the pre-loved physically as well as spiritually with sage and selenite so they have a pure vibration to move on to the next family.

Whenever possible we travel to tradeshows in the UK and abroad to hand pick each crystal, mineral and gem! 

All our crystals receive a sage and or Selenite cleansing bath and are charged in the full moon so they are ready to be used straight away. Arriving in gorgeous recycled packaging with an information card, you and those lucky enough to receive them as a gift, will always know what they can use these beauties for.

Support Circle

We love to work with other people whether this is from the spiritual or science interest or other sellers, to curate the best crystals, minerals and gems for you!

We also love sharing knowledge and philosophy in our podcast and blogs. Together we stand stronger and we all love to help each other. In the podcast we discover a new branch of spirituality with a very open mind and no judgement. Whether you believe in the powers of Reiki, Crystals, Spirit Communications, Dragons and more, we love to discover all these spiritual beliefs to enhance our self-growth and practise our openness to things we might not fully understand.  

Please contact us to discuss featuring on our podcast or blogs. Get involved, stay in touch, we love to hear from you!

We love to be in touch with all our customers and provide free crystal advice. Feel free to email us or get in touch via social media, or why not sign up to our Tali & Loz tribe to get exclusive access to pre-sales, offers and events. 

Can’t find the crystals you are looking for?

We have a fast selection which hasn't been uploaded to the website yet! Contact us to see if we have what you are looking for.

Plus, we have great relationships with our suppliers, and are more than happy to help find the crystals/minerals you are after. Whether they are huge cathedrals, rare minerals or small tumblestones, drop us an email and we will try our best to find them for you!

About me:

I have been attracted to crystals, lunar living and overall spirituality since I was little. My mum introduced me to them, but in the 90’s and 2000’s in a small town in The Netherlands, it wasn’t something you talked about openly. So, we kept it between ourselves, and a select few of my mum’s friends.

Unfortunately, during my teens and early twenties I lost touch with this interest (and myself I’d say), although I always kept track of the moon’s cycle! But when I moved to London, in 2013, I worked in an environment with others who shared those interests, and straight away it sparked my love for crystals again. It was meant to be!

Moving forward to 2018 I started to suffer from anxiety attacks, but wanting to avoid medication, I managed them with meditation, yoga and crystals. At the time I was going through IVF with a husband who was developing cold feet, and a divorce unfortunately followed.

A couple of days into the first Covid-19 lockdown, I was furloughed, and filled my time studying topics close to my heart, keen to develop myself. Soon afterwards, I lost my job due to the pandemic, and slowly but surely it became clear that having my own business was the way forward. But what was to be the focus? It took a good couple of months before I realised, the answer was literally right under my nose! My passion, my crystal saviours, my spiritual beliefs, and my life experience so far…They could all come together and allow me to help other people.

With inspiration and help from my friend, designer and astrologer Natalia Moro, we started Tali & Loz. Quite soon after building the foundations, Natalia’s life took a turn which unfortunately moved her away from Tali & Loz, but hopefully in the future we will work together again.

September 27th 2020, I launched the Tali & Loz website and from the beginning the support I received from those around me and the growing Tali & Loz Tribe has humbled me so much! Right up until today I have great friends who are helping me build Tali & Loz and I could not do it without them.

In the meantime, I have received my CMA crystal and chakra healer certification and keep studying for a variety of spiritual support courses as well as minerology, gemology and geology so that I can keep growing myself to be able to support others, with the help of my crystal saviours.

Love and Light, Laura

Ocean Jasper Slab
Laura, founder of Tali and loz

Laura Konst

Founder of Tali & Loz

Favourite Crystals:

My favourite crystals keep changing depending on my current needs, but right now my go-to crystals are:

-Flower Agate to calm my anxiety and remind me of practising self-care

-Chrysoprase to remind me of self-love and letting go of perfectionism

-Labradorite to raise my vibration and strengthen my intuition. I also have an extremely overactive mind, meditating with labradorite helps me to compartmentalize my thoughts better.