What are Tektites and How to Use Them for Healing
Laura KonstShare
What are tektites and how to use them for healing
Moldavite is probably the one Tektite you have heard most about the last few years. But there are so many other great Tektites that we use in healing! In this blog you will learn what tektites are, where they come from, the most popular tektites and how to use them in ‘crystal healing’ despite not being crystals.
Lets start at the beginning, what are Tektites?
Tektites are natural forms of extraterrestrial glass and are silica-rich bodies, most of them to be thought to have ejected from meteorites during impact with the Earth, however currently we don’t know exactly how they are formed. Austrian geologist Franz Eduard Suess came up with the name Tektites, the name is derived from the Greek ‘Tektos’ meaning melted. They range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Besides being chronostratigraphic markers, tektites also have metaphysical properties which you will learn about later on. Most Tektites are black in appearance, with thin layers appearing transparent or yellowish brown. But their colour depends on the type of field they are found in. Moldavites for example are various shades of green in colour, while Libyan Desert glass is greenish yellow. The ages vary from 35.5 million to 750.000 years old and the hardness is classified 6-7 by the Mohs' scale. On earth we also have a few natural forms of silica-rich bodies such as Obsidian which is naturally formed volcanic glass but being an Earth Native we do not call them Tektites.
The most popular Tektites, their properties and how to use them
Moldavite Tektites are formed by high-velocity impact melts and landed on Earth 15 million years ago in the Czech Republic. The only active deposits (strewn fields) at the moment are found in the Moldau River, the longest river in the Czech Republic. This contributes to its rarity and is one of the hardest healing stones to source.

Known as the ‘The stone of transformation’ Moldavite is a stone that finds you when you are ready for the next step in your life's journey.
The spiritual vibration and energy frequency of Moldavite is almost too powerful for certain individuals - especially for those new to crystal healing. In recent years, Moldavite has exploded in popularity, due to its transformational power to change your life, attitude and habits. This tektite drives you to dive deep within yourself and affords you the clarity to observe with clarity and purpose. The barriers that are keeping you from fulfilling your purpose are lifted or seen from new perspectives. We love combining Moldavite with Herkimer diamonds they embrace each others vibrations. If you just start using your Moldavite and feel a bit overwhelmed, try to balance with Black Tourmaline and/or Moonstone.
Read more on Moldavite: The Life Changing Stone you Need
Libyan Desert Glass
Libyan Desert Glass, also known as Libyan Gold Tektite or Great Sand Sea Glass is a mysterious Tektite with beautiful properties formed around 29 million

years ago. This rare yellow tektite is found in the East of the Sahara Desert and as the name implies has a rich and vivid golden colour, ranging from bright yellow to pale butter. The vibrations of this stone are especially attuned to the Solar Plexus Chakra, which acts as the power source of the body. While it was only officially discovered in 1932 by P. Clayton, Libyan Desert Glass has been used since ancient years and has an undeniably mystical aura. A piece of it was found in King Tut's burial chamber, on an intricate scarab beetle. This transformational stone forces you to grow and face the challenges that come your way. It is a great choice for those that feel anxious and struggle with low self-esteem and self-doubt when making decisions. Libyan Desert Glass will bring a greater understanding of your path in life and assist you with emotional centring and manifestation work. The perfect buddy crystal for Libyan Desert Glass is Serpentine for a Solar Plexus boost. Or if you want to work on your confidence combine with septarian or implement it with our confidence set!
Shop all Libyan Desert Glass Here
Darwin Glass
Found in the south of Queenstown in West Coast, Tasmania, Australia, Darwin Glass AKA Darwinite. The name comes from the strewn field where it was found

around Mount Darwin and later give its name to the Darwin Crate which is the probable impact crate of the meteorite. The colour of Darwin Glass varies from Black to all shades of green and even white and is roughly 750,000 years old. The dark tektites could contain much more iron, chromium, nickel, cobalt and magnesium and less silica than the lighter versions. This difference is likely because of the mix of extra-terrestrial and local metamorphic rocks that occurred during the impact. Darwin glass is a fantastic tektite for protection and connection to earth. Darwin Glass is connected to the lower two and upper two Chakra’s, whilst grounding and rooting this tektite will also provide you with insights, vision and connection to higher self. Use this tektite also for soothing any emotional blockages and traumas as this might bring strong feelings to the surface, we recommend to combine Darwin Glass with soft and loving crystals such as Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine and Moonstone.
Agni Manitite
Sometimes called Javanite or “Pearl of Fire,” Agni Manitite is a rare tektite that is dark grey in colour. It originates from a Meteorite that hit the surface of the Earth

around the island of Java, Indonesia. Most remnants of the Meteorite are located under water, making this a very rare stone that is difficult to come by. Agni Manitite helps users create a strong connection to self. Use this stone to elevate your creativity and cultivate your adventurous spirit. Agni Manitite helps to boost confidence as it works directly with the Solar Plexus Chakra, while elevating your awareness of personal emotional states as you engage in hobbies and interests. In this way, it facilitates the process of discovering that which will truly bring joy into your life. As a powerful stone for manifestation Agni Manitite has the ability to help you cultivate a life that is fully aligned with who you truly are.
Indochinite tektites
An Indochinite is an ‘umbrella’ term of various Tektites which are found around the Indochinese Peninsula, which ranges from Australia and the Pacific islands

of Micronesia to China and Indonesia. These Tektites were ejected into the Earth's upper atmosphere by a meteorite impact and subsequently cooled to form the distinctive glass-like structure. Their distinctive glass-like structure is a result of the re-entry heating and cooling. In this way, they form distinctive bald spots, known as pitted areas. In fact, the original surface is the most characteristic part of the indochinite's anterior surface, representing the original layer. In some cases, an air-tight cavity protected the concave area in the center. This feature is known as the classic anterior surface. Indochinites are distinctly dark black in colour. It is estimated that these bodies of solidified magma are 700,000 years old. The largest one ever found is a Muong-Nong type tektite which had a mass of 29.0 kg! Indochinites are best linked to the Root and Sacral Chakras, it has a soft energy and is easy to work with. We recommend to meditate with Indochinites or carry/wear them for grounding, balance and calmness.
*Image from Canva
Australite tektites are a group of tektites generally believed to be members of the very large Indochina strewn field. However, Australites are distinguished

from other indochinites by their very cools shapes varying from ovals, spheres, teardrops and some of them look like disc-type spaceships! For the aboriginals Australite tektites were used as sacred objects but they also used them as tools, they call them Ooga meaning ‘staring eyes’. There have been many theories of what Australites actually over the years. When explorer Thomas Mitchel gave Charles Darwin a piece of this amazing Tektite in 1857, he thought they were volcanic (like Obsidian). In 1907 Charles Fenner did some more serious studying of these mysterious bodies and found that they are Tektites. But in the meantime they have also been called Fulgurites (crystallised lightening) and even possible lunar debris. Most of the Australites are found in Southern Australia this differs again from the Indochinite tektites and they are believed to be between 610,000 and 750,000 years old.
*image Wikipedia
Some other Tektites that you can find are; Philippinite, Ivorite, Chesapeake Tektite, Bediasite.
The world of Tektites is still full of mysteries and sometimes new ones are found so we keep learning and exploring.

Love & Light, Laura
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