Prehnite: Harmonise your Intuition, Acceptance and Inner Peace

Laura Konst

Prehnite Prehnite Crystal

Pronunciation: PREH-nite
Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus
Zodiac: Libra
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus

Affirmation: “I trust the journey of my heart.”

Keywords: Heart-healing, Intuition, Balance, Connection, Transformation

Mineral Group: Silicates
Mineral Category: Phyllosilicate
Mohs Scale Hardness: 6 to 6.5
Colours: Green, Yellow-green
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Cleavage: Perfect in one direction
Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven
Tenacity: Brittle
Refractive Index: 1.61 to 1.64
Specific Gravity: 2.80 to 2.95
Formula: Ca2Al(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
Other Characteristics: Pearly to vitreous lustre, often translucent
Safe to water cleanse? Yes

Prehnite CrystalFound in various locations around the world, including Australia and Scotland, Prehnite is a fascinating crystal with a soft and sensitive energy that is perfect for Heart Chakra work. Prehnite, named after Colonel Hendrik von Prehn, who was the first to discover the gemstone in South Africa. This beautiful crystal is known for its soft, soothing energy that promotes a deep sense of peace and tranquillity. Prehnite forms in the cavities of basaltic rocks through hydrothermal processes. The colour of Prehnite is typically light green to yellow-green, deriving from the presence of iron in its chemical composition. The black inclusions often found in Prehnite are usually Epidote, Tourmaline, or other minerals that have been trapped during its formation. These inclusions add depth and contrast to the stone, enhancing its natural beauty.

The Spiritual Vibes

Prehnite has been revered for its healing properties, especially in matters of the heart and emotional well-being. The connection to the Solar Plexus provides deeper understanding and intuition so you can be prepared to face the challenges that come next. An underrated crystal, Prehnite will heal, support, nourish and enhance your sense of power and belonging, bringing with it joy and satisfaction.

Prehnite is also a stone of unconditional love and the belief in the power of the heart. It encourages compassion, understanding, and acceptance, fostering a deeper connection with oneself and others. Meditating with Prehnite can help to clear the mind, calm the emotions, and open the heart to new possibilities and experiences. Using Prehnite during meditation can be great when looking to enhance your spiritual connections and manifest the life you have always dreamed of. The Heart Chakra connection is a symbol of unconditional love which you will feel instantly when you work with Prehnite. Prehnite Crystal

Prehnite's Favourite Pairing Crystals

Prehnite pairs beautifully with Green Aventurine, amplifying prosperity energies and encouraging growth in all aspects of life. Together, they create a harmonious energy that promotes abundance and well-being. Amazonite complements Prehnite by enhancing communication abilities and fostering clarity in thought. This combination can be particularly beneficial for those seeking to express themselves more openly and confidently. Lastly, Mangano Calcite adds a touch of gentle emotional healing and heart activation to the mix. Its soothing energies help to dissolve emotional blockages and encourage self-love and compassion. Together, these crystals create a powerful synergy that supports personal growth, clear communication, and emotional balance.

Shop all Prehnite

If you are not sure about which crystal is best suited to you, feel free to reach out to us and we can help you in making a conscious choice about the best-suited crystals.

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Laura, Founder of Tali & Loz

Love & Light, Laura

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