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  • Amethyst Stalactite

    Unlocking the Transformative Power of Crystals ...

    Whether seeking to alleviate stress, enhance focus, or cultivate an overall sense of well-being, the following crystals are great to accompany teens on their journey of self-exploration.

    Unlocking the Transformative Power of Crystals ...

    Whether seeking to alleviate stress, enhance focus, or cultivate an overall sense of well-being, the following crystals are great to accompany teens on their journey of self-exploration.

  • Throat Chakra Symbol

    The 7 Best Throat Chakra Stones and Crystals

    The fifth energy centre, known as the Throat Chakra or Vishuddha is located at the base of the throat and neck and is primarily linked to self-expression and communication. You will often...

    1 comment

    The 7 Best Throat Chakra Stones and Crystals

    The fifth energy centre, known as the Throat Chakra or Vishuddha is located at the base of the throat and neck and is primarily linked to self-expression and communication. You will often...

    1 comment
  • Third Eye Chakra Symbol

    The 8 Best Third Eye Chakra Stones and Crystals

    Healing stones and crystals are one of the best ways to balance and unblock the chakra system. When working on your Third Eye Chakra, these crystals will allow you to...

    The 8 Best Third Eye Chakra Stones and Crystals

    Healing stones and crystals are one of the best ways to balance and unblock the chakra system. When working on your Third Eye Chakra, these crystals will allow you to...

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  • Rebecca Fletcher Reiki Master

    Guest Blog: Reiki and Crystals - Amplifiers and...

    Written by Reiki Master Rebecca Fletcher.  Why I love using crystals with Reiki. For those of you who have never heard of Reiki and are like “what does this have...

    Guest Blog: Reiki and Crystals - Amplifiers and...

    Written by Reiki Master Rebecca Fletcher.  Why I love using crystals with Reiki. For those of you who have never heard of Reiki and are like “what does this have...

  • Evolutionary Astrologer Jev

    Evolutionary Astrology and Crystals - By Jev

    The healing power of Evolutionary Astrology lies in shedding the light into the unconscious parts of ourselves and providing us with the direction of growth. And then, the healing journey...

    1 comment

    Evolutionary Astrology and Crystals - By Jev

    The healing power of Evolutionary Astrology lies in shedding the light into the unconscious parts of ourselves and providing us with the direction of growth. And then, the healing journey...

    1 comment
  • The Journey of Reiki Master Eliza Keniry

    The Journey of Reiki Master Eliza Keniry

    Guest Blog by Reiki Master Eliza: My journey and what it personally means to me to be a certified Reiki master and why I regard Reiki treatments so highly.


    The Journey of Reiki Master Eliza Keniry

    Guest Blog by Reiki Master Eliza: My journey and what it personally means to me to be a certified Reiki master and why I regard Reiki treatments so highly.

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