We at Tali & Loz (part of Creators and Curious LTD), are not doctors and we cannot and do not provide any medical advice. Healing crystals should be used as energy enhancement only and not as a medical, diagnostic or examination substitute. Please only consult your doctors for any medical treatment, diagnosis and examination.
As energy enhancers, our products rely on the user to be effective, the user is responsible for empowering the energy enhancing capability of the crystals and other energy enhancing products. Therefore Tali & Loz (part of Creators and Curious LTD), does not constitute a warranty, guarantee or any prediction of the outcome of any products.
We sell and advertise our products in good faith, but do not guarantee any results and outcomes of any products as this may vary depending on the users capability. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the effectiveness of any products sold.
Tali & Loz sellers, affiliates and manufacturers are not responsible and liable for misuse of any products. Purchasing from Tali & Loz signifies your acceptance of this statement and releases Tali & Loz (part of creators and curious) and its affiliates from all liability.
We are only talking, discussing and handing out any (electronical) literature, relating to the properties of crystals and stones, of the results of our own research and personal beliefs. When crystals and stones allegedly have healing properties either physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, it does not mean the user will experience or benefit from any such properties.
Any information given from Tali and Loz (part of Creators and curious ltd), should be understood and received in the above context. Purchasing any Tali & Loz products, you agree that any responsibility is your own and is your free choice to make.
When you purchase and/or use a Tali & Loz product, you agree to fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless, Tali & Loz, its principals, owners, personal representatives, consultants, employees and assigns from any claim or liability whatsoever and for any damage or injury, personal, financial, emotional, psychological or otherwise, which you may incur arising at any time out of or in relation to your use of the products sold on this website. If any court of law rules that any part of the Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out.
All our crystals are displayed with the right information about authenticity and any treatments the crystals may have had such has heating or dyes. All minerals, stones and gems are referred to as crystals whether or not they have a crystalline structure.
We at Tali & Loz (part of creators and curious LTD) sell our products with the best intentions and passion for our products and we try our best to provide useful and accurate information. We hope that users will find joy by using our products. For any questions please feel free to reach out to us.
Tali & Loz
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