Tali & Loz podcast will discuss and discover the wonderful world of spirituality. We will talk to a large variety of people in this field from Astrologers to Witches, from Crystal Healers to Sound Healers. -Tali & Loz is an online crystal healing shop, our founder and host of this podcast, would love this share, discuss and discover the world of spirituality with you.
Listen to our podcast on your favorite players!
Would you like to feature on this podcast? Feel free to reach out with an introduction and story to info@taliandloz.com
Episode 8. Oracle Cards
I am talking to Cassidy and this time she is explaining what Oracle Cards are (and we touch on Tarot), what they do and how they work. Plus we are pulling 3 cards from 3 different decks for information for the collective and I give my own interpretation on them as well!
Episode 7. Starseeds: Pleiadians
I am talking to Cassidy, the awakening star. She has discovered she is a Starseed, more specifically a Pleiadian and has been in contact with her Pleiadian family and has gained a lot of knowledge about these beings. I have been told I am also a Pleiadian, so lets discover what that means!
Episode 6: Human Design
I am talking to Courtney, who is a yoga therapist, Psychotherapist and a Human Design Reader. Human Design is a science of differentiation utilizing the modern sciences of the quantum mechanics of physics, genetics and biochemistry, along with the ancient sciences of the Chinese I' Ching, Hindu Brahmin Chakras, Zohar/Kabbalist Tree of Life, and Astrology. A wonderful episode with lots to learn and discover!
Episode 5: Healing with Vernon Frost
Vernon Frost is a clairvoyant, teacher and healer in the field of esoterics and metaphysics. He travelled the world for decades giving workshops, talks, healing sessions and much more! This episode is about overall healing, how he does it and what works for him. A great light chatty episode but with a lot to learn!
Episode 4: Healing the Mother Wound
Not just for mamas! I am talking to Victoria and Tiffany who are The Spirit Mamas, both mothers both highly spiritual connected. In this first super energy double interview I am learning about healing the mother wound. What does this mean? Is it connected to ancestral healing, shadow work and/or learning to step into our own power?
Episode 3: Herbs and Plant Medicine
Episode three is all about herbs and plants! Mother nature has so much to offer and naturopath and herbalist Izzy is talking us through what and how we can work with plants. Did you know each Chakra has certain plants that works best?
Episode 2: Wisdom of the Seven Storms
The Wisdom of the Seven Storms is a huge concept from the Universe that was shown to Talkshow host, author and highly intuitive physic Cindy Kubica from the age of 10 years old. The seven storms are here, right now at this time but there is a lot of wisdom in this. We, as spiritual beings, can make a huge change for the better and help others to see it as well.
Episode 1: Why Breathing Correctly Is So Important
I am so honoured to start this episode with Nevsah, founder and CEO at Breath Hub. She is a distinguished and highly respected international teacher in meditation, breathing and behavioural sciences with a 25 years track record of unrivalled expertise. She is also a published author and an acclaimed keynote speaker. Nevsah is the President of Breath Coaching Federation and the vice president of the Graduate School of Behavioural Health Sciences and a faculty member at Breathing Sciences School and she is sharing her knowledge, expertise, social influence, leadership, wisdom, and love for breathwork and breathing sciences with the WORLD.
Episode 15. Cancer Season
An in between season episode with Astrologer Jev! What will Cancer Season bring to us? What are the unhealthy expressions for this Cancer season? And of course, she will tell about what energies the planets and moon bring us as well. Jev and I have now concluded all 12 Zodiacs! These episodes are all timeless and we encourage you to listen to the previous episodes for each month to discover the upcoming energies!
Episode 14. Gemini Season
We will finish season 2 with Astrologer Jev. Mercury Retrograde, Gemini Season......what will it bring to us? What are the unhealthy expressions for this Gemini season? And of course, she will tell about what energies the planets and moon bring us as well.
Bonus Episode. Movement Medicine Practise
This is a bonus episode for you to try movement medicine with Ksenia! We recommend for you to be in a space where you feel safe, secure and completely free so you can connect your body and heart to move the way your body wants to move.
Episode 13. Movement Medicine
A fantastic episode where I am talking to Ksenia, a movement medicine apprentice teacher who is sharing the wonderful benefits of movement medicine with us. I have learnt this is not about the 'perfect choreography and fab moves' it is about the connection between your body and heart. Don't forget to try it yourself with the bonus episode following this talk!
Episode 12. Energy Medicine, Your Body as a Conduit for Life-Force Energy
In this episode I am talking to Jean Louise Green, Certified Advanced Rolf Practitioner of Structural Integration and Author. She is explaining why Structural Integration and Energy Medicine are so important for our spirituality and daily life. A fascinating episode where it becomes clear how mind, body and spirit properly come together.
Find Jean Louise on:
Website: www.jeanlouisegreenrolfpractitioner.com
Episode 11. Taurus Season with Jev
We start this second part of season 2 with Astrologer Jev. How can we prepare for the Taurus energies? What are the unhealthy expressions for this Taurus season? And of course, she will tell about what energies the planets and moon bring us as well.
Episode 10. Aries Season with Jev
We start this Aries Season with Astrologer Jev. How can we prepare for the warrior archetype energies? Are we going with the flow of being a leader, an inspiration or are we going towards being self-focused? What are the unhealthy expressions for this season? And of course, she will tell about what energies the planets and moon bring us as well.
Find Jev on:
Website: https://www.evolutionwithjev.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evolution.with.jev/
Episode 9. The Journey to the Core of your Soul Part 2
Part 2. In this 2 part podcast I discover the journey to the core of the soul with Quantum Shaman Maria Elena. As a therapist, Quantum Shaman, Reiki Master and all-round spiritual being she is taking us to the soul via the complex ways of the multi dimensional universes, akashic records and more.
In this first part she will explain where she comes from, how she works and starts to teach us where our souls could be all coming from.
A complex but great podcast....
Find and Connect with Maria Elena on:
Her Website Here
Episode 8. The Journey to the Core of Your Soul Part 1
In this 2 part podcast I discover the journey to the core of the soul with Quantum Shaman Maria Elena. As a therapist, Quantum Shaman, Reiki Master and all-round spiritual being she is taking us to the soul via the complex ways of the multi dimensional universes, akashic records and more.
In this first part she will explain where she comes from, how she works and starts to teach us where our souls could be all coming from.
A complex but great podcast....
Find and Connect with Maria Elena on:
Her Website Here
Episode 7. How to Start with Miracle Thinking
I am talking to Spiritual writer, editor, publisher and Spiritual knowledge base Randy Peyer. Her second book The Power of Miracle Thinking is a bundle of incredible miracle stories. Randy explains how she started with Miracle Thinking and how this has affected her life. My biggest is...how is this different than positive thinking and where do I start?
Listen and Learn....
Find and Connect with Randy on:
Her website
Her Facebook
Episode 6. Supporting Children who Connect with Spirit
Phoebe is back! She is speaking about how she was supported by her parents when she started to connect with Spirit when she was a child. Now a mother herself with a son who also connects with Spirit as well as his own Past Lives, she is sharing her tips on how she is supporting him in his journey.
A wonderful loving and open story for everyone to learn from.
You can Find Phoebe On:
Her Website Here
Instagram Here
Facebook Here
Her Book 'The Gift'
Her Blog Here
Episode 5. Pisces Season
We start this Pisces Season with Astrologer Jev. How can we prepare for the divine creative season and how can we utilise the kind and compassion energy towards ourselves and others? Although can we go too far in this as well? What are the unhealthy expressions for this season? And of course, she will tell about what energies the planets and moon bring us as well.
Find Jev on:
Website: https://www.evolutionwithjev.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evolution.with.jev/
Episode 4. Atlanteans
I am talking to Intuitive Listener Victoria Jane. Victoria is in touch with many realms but in this episode she is explaining who the Atlanteans are. How can their energy benefit us and can we all connect to them?
You can Find Victoria On:
Her Website Here
Instagram Here
Facebook Here
Episode 3. How to Connect to Your Spirit Guides
I am talking to Glynis, a Metaphysical Teacher, Clairvoyant Medium and Writer. She is talking about how to connect to your spirit guides. Why do we have spirit guides? What steps do we need to take for a connection and how do we know we are connected?
*PS - The South African Birds did like to get involved in this episode as well in the background
Find Glynis here. on her website and here on Facebook
Check out Glynis her articles on spirituality as well on her website.
Episode 2. Sound Healing
In our second episode Becky is joining me to talk about sound healing. What is sound healing and how does it work? Do you need tools for it and how does is effect our body?
Find Becky on Instagram Here Website: https://www.rebeccafletcherholistichealing.com/
Episode 1. Aquarius Season
We love to welcome you back for our second season!
We start this year with Astrologer Jev who will teach us about the Aquarius Season energies.
How are we dealing with this energy and does Mercury Retrograde also affect us?
Find Jev on:
Website: https://www.evolutionwithjev.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evolution.with.jev/
Episode 1. Evolutionary Astrology
I am discovering Evolutionary Astrology with Astrologer Jev. This is a relatively new practice in astrology and opens up a whole new perspective.
Jev will also talk about what this Leo season is all about, especially the Lionsgate 'Leo in New Moon' on 08.08.2021.
Laura and Jev also collaborated on crystal healing sets for Tali & Loz crystal shop and they will talk about the best crystals for the Leo.
Sit back, relax and enjoy!
Find Jev on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evolution.with.jev/
Episode 2. Reiki
I am discovering the wonderful world of Reiki with Reiki Master Becky.
What is Reiki, how does it work and why do we need it?
Plus what is Becky her journey to Reiki and Spirituality?
Sit back, relax and enjoy!
Find Becky on Instagram Here
Episode 3. Buddhism
This week I am talking to Qi, who is born and raised as a Buddhist in Burma. He moved to the UK 16 years ago and my question to him is; how does he view and experience the rise of spirituality, often related to Buddhism, in the Western World. He is also sharing a great insight on how Buddhism is practiced in the East as well as sharing some tips on how to start meditating.
Episode 4. Virgo Season
I am learning about the energies of the Virgo Season from Jev. What can we look forward to and what do we need to be aware off? How can we embrace the beautiful the energies of the Goddess? Sit back, relax and discover.
Episode 5. Witchcraft
This week I am talking to Eclectic Witch Lauren, to discover witchcraft. What is considered Witchcraft exactly? What is the difference between Wicca and Witchcraft? Some of us grew up with the 'pop-culture' depictions of witchcraft but how realistic are these really? There is lots to find out in this episode on this, for most, mysterious practice.
Find Lauren her bath range, Moonseed, on Instagram here and her website here.
Episode 6. Akashic Records
I am talking to Basia who is an Akashic Record Reader, Counsellor and Reiki Practitioner.
She is explaining what the Akashic Records is, how it works and how we can benefit from reading the record.
Find Basia here. on Instagram and her website here.
Episode 7. Connecting to Your Spirit Guides
I am talking to Glynis, a Metaphysical Teacher, Clairvoyant Medium and Writer. She is talking about her journey with her two spirit guides as well as giving us the the insight on how we can connect with our spirit guides, how they will support us in our souls journey and how to build a bond with them.
Find Glynis here on her website and here on Facebook . Check out Glynis her articles on spirituality as well on her website, they are very inspirational.
Episode 8. Libra Season
I am learning about the energies of the Libra Season from Jev.
What can we look forward to and what do we need to be aware off?
This beautiful and social season can bring a lot of joy or is Mercury Retrograde going to pull some tricks?
Episode 9. Anniversary Episode
Hooray! Tali & Loz is one year old! This is a huge milestone for me starting my own business one year ago.
For this special episode I will be interviewed by Hayley-Jo, who has been by my side almost since the beginning.
This is a very loose, freestyled and chill episode about myself and of course Tali & Loz.
Episode 10. Grief and Spirit
I am speaking to Physic Medium and Grief Coach - Phoebe Young. Being Clairvoyant and Clairaudience, Phoebe has a strong connection to Spirit. I will learn how spirituality and connecting to Spirit helps with grief. Plus I will learn a lot more about the realm of Spirit.
When her father passed to the spirit world he became on of her spirit guides and via channeled writing with him, she wrote a book called 'The Gift'.
Episode 11. Dragon Energy
I am talking to Intuitive Listener Victoria Jane. Victoria is in touch with many realms but in this episode she is explaining what Dragon Energy is, where it comes from, how it works and how it can benefit us.
Episode 12. Scorpio Season
I am learning about the transformative energies of the Scorpio Season from Jev.
What can we look forward to and what do we need to be aware off?
How can we embrace the deep energy we will experience?
Episode 13. Following Guidance
I am talking to Cari Palmer, writer, speaker and master in following guidance. She shares her story where she went from A-Z (from Abused to Zen), and how following guidance turned her turbulent life into a peaceful one.
She also shares a very intriguing sneak peak of her upcoming book as well!
What I have learned from her; deeply follow what guidance says, no matter how uncomfortable and crazy it feels.
Episode 14. Spiritual Veganism
I am talking to Haz who is a vegan and has a spiritual take on this. He will explain why this is, where it comes from and gives me great tips on how to gradually eat more vegan.
Episode 15. Female Empowerment
Phoebe is back and she is talking about female empowerment and how to incorporate spirituality to boost your own inner-strength.
Episode 16. Sagittarius Season with Jev
I am learning about the energetic energies of the Sagittarius Season from Jev. What can we look forward to and what do we need to be aware off? How can we embrace the energy we will experience?
Episode 17. Capricorn Season with Jev
I am learning about the analytical energies of Capricorn Season from Jev. What can we look forward to and what do we need to be aware off? How can we embrace the energy we will experience?
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