Mookaite: The Stone of Inner Strength and Vitality

Laura Konst

Mookaite Mookaite Crystal

Pronunciation: MUU-kyte
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Zodiac: All
Element: Earth
Planet: Earth

Affirmation: “I embrace the journey of self-discovery and empowerment.”

Keywords: Grounding, Vitality, Inner Strength, Intuition, Balance

Mineral Group: Silicates
Mineral Category: Jasper
Mohs Scale Hardness: 6.5 - 7
Colours: Various shades of red, yellow, purple and brown with streaks and patterns
Crystal System: Trigonal
Cleavage: None
Fracture: Conchoidal
Tenacity: Brittle
Refractive Index: 1.606 - 1.652
Specific Gravity: 2.58 - 3.15
Birefringence: 0.009
Pleochroism: None
Formula: SiO2
Other Characteristics: Mookaite is often characterised by its vibrant and earthy colours, ranging from deep reds to mustard yellows and earthy browns, with intricate patterns and bands.
Safe to water cleanse? Yes

Mookaite CrystalMookaite, named after the Mooka Creek in Western Australia where it was first discovered, is a captivating crystal renowned for its vibrant and earthy colours. Formed over millions of years through the gradual deposition of silica and the infusion of mineral-rich waters, Mookaite is a variety of Jasper that exudes grounding energy and vitality.

The Spiritual Vibes

Indigenous Australians revered Mookaite as a powerful healing stone, attributing to it various spiritual and metaphysical properties. Today, it is cherished by crystal enthusiasts worldwide for its ability to enhance inner strength, promote vitality, and foster a deep connection to the Earth.

Spiritually, Mookaite is associated with the Root, Solar Plexus, and Third Eye Chakras, making it a versatile crystal for grounding, empowerment, and intuition. It encourages one to embrace the journey of self-discovery with courage and confidence, empowering individuals to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace. It encourages you to embrace and accept the changes that come to your life.

In addition to its spiritual significance, Mookaite has been used for centuries as a talisman for protection and as a tool for divination and healing. It is believed to stimulate the flow of life force energy throughout the body, promoting physical health and emotional well-being. Mookaite Crystal

Mookaite's Favourite Pairing Crystals

To amplify the energies of Mookaite, it can be paired with other grounding stones such as Smokey Quartz or Hematite, as well as stones that enhance intuition and inner strength like Amethyst or Tigers Eye. Incorporating Mookaite into daily meditation or carrying it with you throughout the day can help cultivate a sense of balance, vitality, and empowerment, allowing you to embrace life’s journey with clarity and purpose.

Shop all Mookaite

If you are not sure about which crystal is best suited to you, feel free to reach out to us and we can help you in making a conscious choice about the best-suited crystals.

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Laura, Founder of Tali & Loz

Love & Light, Laura

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