What Crystal Do I Need? Advanced Crystal Choosing For Crystal Lovers
Laura KonstShare
When trying to select the crystals you need, there are many things to keep in mind.
For some, the process is based on “touch and feel”. When a stone feels right and its vibrations match the energy you need at the point in life, a connection is made. You can also explore healing crystals that complement and suit your zodiac sign or focus on specific chakras to work on.
The knowledge passed down by ancient healers and tribes offers another way of approaching this question: elements and planets. The ancient Greeks categorised the world into 4 main elements: fire, water, air, and earth.
While crystals undoubtedly have a strong connection to the “Earth” element, each one also has unique characteristics that relate to human nature and specific dominant characteristics.
Being aware of the advanced characteristics of each crystal in relation to the elements and the planets can help you decide what crystal you need the most. You can also browse planet characteristics including the sun and moon for a more comprehensive picture.
What do we mean by advanced crystal choosing?
First of all, there is no right or wrong way when it comes to crystal picking.
What feels right to you at the moment could also be the best choice.
But you might also be interested in digging a bit deeper to learn and understand the connections between who we are as people and the effect that healing crystals can have on us. That is when “advanced crystal choosing” comes into the picture to create a more meticulous journey of self-awareness and searching that looks at various factors. A more holistic approach if you like!
Before we start, let’s take a look and remember the main elements.
Crystals and the elements: what are they?
As previously mentioned, the four-element categorization first originated in Ancient Greece and was present in many other civilizations over the centuries. While all crystals are found on Earth (or come from the Sky) they are conduits of a different energy source. Unfortunately, a lot of that ancient wisdom has been lost and is slowly being regained. That sometimes brings confusion with some crystals present in more than one Element category or still being investigated.
Here are the four elements:

- Crystal match: Ruby in Fuschite, Aquamarine, Sodalite, Apophyllite
- Zodiac sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Fire: passion, determination, courage, perseverance and purification
- Crystal match: Septarian, Red Jasper, Red Calcite, Sunstone
- Zodiac sign: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Air: new ideas, communication, travel and discovery, brings inspiration and creativity
- Crystal match: Angelite, Angel Aura Quartz, Citrine, Rhodonite
- Zodiac sign: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

- Crystal match: Malachite, Tiger’s Eye, Black Tourmaline, Mookaite
- Zodiac sign: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
*There is also a 5th but less often mentioned element called Akasha, the Sanskrit word for “atmosphere” or “space”.
Its power represents the combination of the other 4 elements and is most often associated with the colour white. Akasha is the soft and all-encompassing energy that lives within us all and invites us to connect with our divine and spiritual self.
Want to learn about Akasha and Akashic Readings? Listen to our Podcast here!
Crystals and the planets: What are they?
You might be aware that we all have different planet placements, assigned to us at birth.
Our planet placement is unique, so much so that it is incredibly rare to find two individuals that share the exact planet placement on their birth chart.
Finding your astrology birth chart (also known as a natal chart) can be done with the use of free online tools. All you need to know is the date, place and time you were born. However, reading your birth chart correctly and discovering what it means for you is a complicated process that requires the help of an expert.
🌟 For those serious about discovering the potential of astrology and working with crystals, I recommend a reading with Evolutionary Astrologer and my good friend, Jev Glazunova. You can also listen to our latest podcast episode with Jev here and connect with her on Instagram for readings.
Your birth chart will offer valuable insight into the associations you have with each planet, and help you select the right crystals for you.
Here are the main characteristics of the planets:
Sun: Health and authenticity
Moon: Balance of emotions and feminine energy
Mercury: Communication, clarity of thoughts
Venus: Love, passion and desire
Mars: Vitality and energy force
Jupiter: Prosperity, abundance mindset and wealth creation
Saturn: Stability and structure, great for those seeking discipline and purpose in life
Uranus: New beginnings, novelty and originality
Neptune: Spiritual awakening, breaking through the fog, imagination
Pluto: Transformation in relationships, letting go of toxic thoughts
Note: The Sun and Moon are not planets but “Lights” and are almost always included in relevant lists.
Choosing a crystal based on planet placements
Now that you know the main characteristics of each planet, it is time to take a closer look at the crystals associated with them. You can use this handy list close by when searching for the next crystal that needs to enter your life.
The connection between astrology, zodiac signs, planet placement and crystals might seem confusing at first. Understanding it, however, is what will allow you to enhance, rejuvenate or soothe energies based on your needs.
One well-known example of how planets affect our mood and energy levels is the period known as “Mercury Retrograde”. On average, this phenomenon takes place 3-4 times a year and is characterised by Mercury seemingly moving backwards. What actually happens is an illusion, since Mercury is never really *in* retrograde, it is just moving at a slower pace.
The effects of Mercury Retrograde are chaotic energy, disruption of routines and a feeling of uneasiness. Generally, nothing seems to be going right. Mercury being the planet of communication means you may forget appointments, pick fights, feel misunderstood and struggle with expressing your thoughts. Sounds familiar?
Depending on your zodiac sign and planet placements, a phenomenon like Mercury Retrograde could be more or less of a big deal each year. Knowing this in advance can help you prepare with crystals that bring balance and can soothe your chaotic energy and mind.
Let’s take a look below at crystals for different planets, including Mercury of course!
Crystals for different planets according to your sign
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Date: March 21 - April 19
Birth Planet: Mars
Planet signifies: Vitality & energy force
Aries Crystals:
Main: Carnelian - Motivation, endurance, leadership
Also see:

Fancy Jasper – Relief stress, dream recall, balance chakras
Garnet – Energise aura, dispel fears and lethargic energy
Hematite – Get rid of worry, Feel safe and secure, protection stone
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Date: April 20 - May 20
Birth Planet: Venus
Planet signifies: Love, passion & desire
Taurus Crystals:
Main: Rose Quartz - Universal love, peace, surrender

Also see:
Black Sardonyx - Confidence, sexual expression, Sacral and Root Chakra
Chrysoprase – Love, compassion, happiness, self-love
Flower Agate - Divine feminine, soft, nurturing, new mothers
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Date: May 21 - June 20
Birth Planet: Mercury
Planet signifies: Communication, clarity of thoughts
Main: Emerald - Successful love, intuition, deep learning
Also see:

Yellow Aventurine - During Mercury Retrograde keeps you focused, if over-sensitive enhance understanding
Tigers Eye – Enhances the communications
Zebra Agate – Clear thinking matching the energy, also grounding and focus
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Date: June 21 - July 22
Birth Planet: Moon
Planet signifies: Balance of emotions and feminine energy
Main: Moonstone - Emotional support, strength, kindness

Also see:
Rainbow Moonstone – Peace, inspiration, powerful at full moon
Selenite – Super cleansing and charging due with Full Moon to other crystals as well
Pink Moonstone - The Stone of the Heart, Love and Higher Consciousness
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Date: July 23 - August 22
Birth Planet: Sun
Planet signifies: Health & authenticity
Main: Sunstone - Connected to Greek God ‘Helios’, confidence, enthusiasm
Also see:

Blue Tigers Eye - Balance, and communication
Clear Quartz - Vibrant healing energy
Golden Healer Quartz - Enhance energy, inner healing & peace
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Date: August 23 - September 22
Birth Planet: Mercury
Planet signifies: Communication, clarity of thoughts
Main: Chrysoprase - Positivity, happiness, anxiety-killer

Also see:
Yellow Aventurine – During Mercury Retrograde keeps you focused, if over-sensitive enhance understanding
Tigers Eye – Enhances the communications
Zebra Agate – Clear thinking matching the energy, also grounding and focus
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Date: September 23 - October 22
Birth Planet: Venus
Planet signifies: Love, passion & desire
Main: Kunzite - Empathy, compassion, protection
Also see:

Black Sardonyx - Confidence, sexual expression, Sacral and Root Chakra
Chrysoprase – Love, compassion, happiness, self-love
Flower Agate - Divine feminine, soft, nurturing, new mothers
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Date: October 23 - November 21
Birth Planet: Pluto
Planet signifies: Transformation in relationships, getting rid of toxic thoughts
Main: Obsidian - Emotional support, grounding, finding focus

Also see:
Snow white Aragonite – Purity, letting go of toxic energy, protection
Aquamarine – Balance, divine feminine, telling the truth
Moldavite - Ultimate transformation feeling, embracing the journey, changes
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Date: Number 22 - December 21
Birth Planet: Jupiter
Planet signifies: Prosperity, abundance mindset and wealth creation
Main: Amethyst - Balanced mindset, soothe irritability, finding focus

Also see:
Pyrite – Abundance, prosperity
Polychrome Jasper – Keep grounded when feeling to ‘powerful’,
Ruby in Zoisite – Growth, productivity, feeling secure
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Date: December 22 - January 19
Birth Planet: Saturn
Planet signifies: Stability and structure, great for those seeking discipline and purpose in life
Calcite- Growth mindset, learning, sisterhood/brotherhood, connection

Also see:
Shungite – Protection stone, feeling secure,
Smokey Quartz - Grounding, calming, stability, finding drive in life
White Calcite – Dissolve negative thoughts, encourage security
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Date: January 20 - February 18
Birth Planet: Uranus
Planet signifies: New beginnings, novelty and originality
Main: Labradorite - Strength, bravery, perseverance, raise consciousness
Also see:

Amazonite – Soothing, anxiety, self-acceptance, understanding
Angelite – Connection to higher consciousness,
Black Moonstone – Harmony, sacred peace, new mothers, new beginnings
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Date: February 19 - March 20
Birth Planet: Neptune
Planet signifies: Spiritual awakening, breaking through the fog, imagination
Main: Lapis Lazuli - Self awareness, truthful expression, clarity and compassion

Also See:
Fluorite – Genius stone, spiritual awakening, wisdom, creativity
Blue Lace Agate - Spiritual awakening, confidence, thinking clear
Green Aventurine – Soothing inner-pressure, creativity, good luck
Only thing left to say is remember our inbox and DMs are always open to anyone wanting someone to reach out to to discuss further.

Love & Light, Laura
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