Black Tourmaline: Unveil Your Shield of Strength and Purification

Laura Konst

Black Tourmaline

Pronunciation: Blak Toor-muh-leen
Chakras: Root, Sacral
Zodiac: Capricorn, Sagittarius and Libra

Affirmation: "I am grounded, protected, and purified, surrounded by a shield of calming energy.

Keywords: Grounding, Protection, Purification, Calming, Shield

AAA - Grade Acicular Tourmaline 15g - Tali & Loz Crystals

Mineral Group: Tourmaline
Mineral Category: Cyclosilicate
Mohs Scale Hardness: 7 - 7.5
Colours: Black
Crystal System: Trigonal
Cleavage: None
Fracture: Uneven, conchoidal
Tenacity: Brittle
Refractive Index: 1.624 - 1.644
Specific Gravity: 3.06 - 3.25
Birefringence: 0.018 - 0.040
Pleochroism: Weak to none
Formula: (Na(Li,Al)3Al6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH)4, CaFe2+3Al6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH)4, Mg3Al6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH)4, Fe2+3Al6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH)4)
Other Characteristics: Pyroelectric and piezoelectric
Safe to water cleanse? Yes

Black Tourmaline is the ultimate protection stone that is ideal for purification and can get rid of unwanted energy in or around you. This beautiful stone turns these vibrations into positive and nurturing energy for your soul.

Black tourmaline was known as schorl since before the 1400's from the German village where it was found in. Black Tourmaline, or Schorl, forms in hydrothermal processes within rocks like pegmatites and metamorphic rocks. The infusion of elements, especially iron, during crystallisation gives it its black colour. Its unique trigonal crystal structure develops as mineral-rich fluids circulate through the Earth's crust. Black Tourmaline's piezoelectricity, generating an electric charge under pressure, adds to its appeal. Known for repelling negative energies, it is a sought-after crystal for protection and grounding.


Spiritual Vibrations

Black Tourmaline is deeply connected to the Root and Sacral Chakras, those earthly roots that help you feel safe and secure in your place upon this earth. When your Root Chakra is balanced you get that deep-seated self-confidence and are able to embrace who you 

Black Tourmaline Crystals 30-40mm

are, speak your truth, and set upon your path to spiritual healing. We recommend Black Tourmaline as a daily companion that you can keep in your pocket, your car, or wear it as jewellery, creating your very own cloak of protection.

Black Tourmaline also blocks EMF waves from mobiles, laptops, televisions, and all other small electronics. Regular cleansing with water helps maintain its efficacy.

Pairing Black Tourmaline

Pairing it with Hematite or Smokey Quartz intensifies its grounding abilities, creating a potent shield against negativity. This dark crystal serves as a reliable companion for those seeking to anchor themselves in the present moment and guard against external disturbances.


If you are not sure about which crystal is best suited to you, feel free to reach out to us and we can help you in making a conscious choice about the best-suited crystals.

Contact us here

Laura, Founder of Tali & Loz

Love & Light, Laura

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